ELBE XML Reference

RootFileSystem type: rfs:RootFileSystemType

describes one elbe project. An elbe project contains the creation of a build environment and the definition of a elbe target rootfilesystem.

TYPE: RootFileSystemType

includes all subelements to define the elbe project


    <initvm> rfs:initvm </initvm>
    <project> rfs:project </project>
    <check-image-list> rfs:check-image-list </check-image-list>
    <target> rfs:target </target>
    <archive> base64Binary </archive>
    <debootstrappkgs> rfs:fullpkg-list </debootstrappkgs>
    <initvmpkgs> rfs:fullpkg-list </initvmpkgs>
    <initvm_sources_list> rfs:string </initvm_sources_list>
    <initvm_apt_prefs> rfs:string </initvm_apt_prefs>
    <fullpkgs> rfs:fullpkg-list </fullpkgs>
    <sources_list> rfs:string </sources_list>
    <apt_prefs> rfs:string </apt_prefs>
    <elbe_version> rfs:string </elbe_version>
    <src-cdrom> rfs:src-cdrom </src-cdrom>

Elements description

[attr] created dateTime :: timestamp of creation of the xml file

[attr] revision <<revisionNr,rfs:revisionNr>> :: revision of the xml file (needs to match revision of the schema)

initvm <<initvm,rfs:initvm>> *optional* :: Configurations that are used for creating the initvm e.g. the definition of the used debian mirrors, suite and buildtype

project <<project,rfs:project>> *optional* :: Configurations that are used for creating the buildenvironment and the target rootfilesystem. e.g. the definition of the used debian mirrors.

check-image-list <<check-image-list,rfs:check-image-list>> *optional* :: Sequence of image to check for emulation.

target <<target,rfs:target>> *optional* :: Configurations that are used to create the target rootfilesystem

archive base64Binary *optional* :: tar.bz2 file that contains configuration files for the target rootfilesystem. To alter this node use ‘elbe chg_archive’ and to get the content of this node ‘elbe get_archive’.

debootstrappkgs <<fullpkg-list,rfs:fullpkg-list>> *optional* :: List of packages installed right after debootstrap

initvmpkgs <<fullpkg-list,rfs:fullpkg-list>> *optional* :: List of packages installed right after debootstrap

initvm_sources_list <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: apt sources list.

initvm_apt_prefs <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: apt preferences list

fullpkgs <<fullpkg-list,rfs:fullpkg-list>> *optional* :: List of packages with their versions installed on the RFS

sources_list <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: apt sources list.

apt_prefs <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: apt preferences list

elbe_version <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: Elbe Version that was used in the last build of this file.

src-cdrom <<src-cdrom,rfs:src-cdrom>> *optional* :: Configurations of the source CDROM

SIMPLE TYPE: revisionNr

is used to decide if your elbe version is compatible with the given xml file

Base Type







TYPE: binary-url

e.g. “http://myhost/debian /” or “http://debian.org/debian main”



Elements description

[attr] pin string :: Pin-Priority of packages from this source.

[attr] package string :: Packages that should be pinned.

TYPE: url

links to one additional debian mirror


    <binary> rfs:binary-url </binary>
    <source> string </source>
    <raw-key> rfs:string </raw-key>
    <options> rfs:mirror-options </options>

Elements description

binary <<binary-url,rfs:binary-url>> *optional* :: e.g. “http://myhost/debian /” or “http://debian.org/debian main”

source string *optional* :: e.g. “http://myhost/sources /” or “http://debian.org/debian main”

raw-key <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: Raw Public Key used to sign this Repository

options <<mirror-options,rfs:mirror-options>> *optional* :: List of options for this mirror

TYPE: url-list

links to additional debian mirrors


    <url> rfs:url </url>

Elements description

url <<url,rfs:url>> *optional* :: describes an additional debian mirror

TYPE: mirror

specify main and additional debian mirrors


    <options> rfs:mirror-options </options>
    <primary_host> rfs:string </primary_host>
    <primary_path> rfs:string </primary_path>
    <primary_proto> rfs:string </primary_proto>
    <primary_key> rfs:string </primary_key>
    <primary_proxy> rfs:string </primary_proxy>
    <cdrom> rfs:string </cdrom>
    <host> rfs:string </host>
    <host_key> rfs:string </host_key>
    <url-list> rfs:url-list </url-list>

Elements description

options <<mirror-options,rfs:mirror-options>> *optional* :: Options for the primary mirror.

primary_host <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: IP address or hostname of the primary debian mirror e.g. “debian.org” without a protocol or any slash

primary_path <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: base path to the debian mirror on the given host e.g. “/debian”

primary_proto <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: protocol to access the primary debian mirror e.g. “http” or “ftp”

primary_key <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: Raw public key used to sign the primary mirror

primary_proxy <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: proxy to access the debian mirror e.g. “http://me:mypass@myproxy:8080”

cdrom <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: iso image of a cdrom/dvd with debian packages.

host <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: Url of the host mirror.

host_key <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: Raw public key used to sign the host mirror

url-list <<url-list,rfs:url-list>> *optional* :: additional debian repositories, e.g. for own debian packages

TYPE: mirror-options

List of options for a mirror


    <option> rfs:string </option>

Elements description

option <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: e.g. trusted=yes or check-valid-until=no

TYPE: initvm

describes settings that apply to the creation of the initvm


    <buildtype> rfs:string </buildtype>
    <mirror> rfs:mirror </mirror>
    <noauth> rfs:string </noauth>
    <preference> rfs:preference </preference>
    <suite> rfs:suite-initvm </suite>
    <pkg-list> rfs:pkg-list </pkg-list>
    <preseed> rfs:preseed </preseed>
    <size> rfs:string </size>
    <mem> rfs:memory </mem>
    <swap-size> rfs:memory </swap-size>
    <max-cpus> integer </max-cpus>
    <img> rfs:string </img>
    <portforwarding> rfs:portforwarding </portforwarding>
    <finetuning> rfs:initvm-finetuning </finetuning>

Elements description

buildtype <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: Default buildtype like armel, ppc, and in the future armel-virtio

mirror <<mirror,rfs:mirror>> :: used debian mirrors

noauth <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: allow installation of unsigned debian packages

preference <<preference,rfs:preference>> *optional* :: used for pinning of all packages TODO: example?

suite <<suite-initvm,rfs:suite-initvm>> :: name of the debian suite that should be used to generate the initvm. E.g. “buster”, “bullseye”, “bookworm”, “trixie”, “sid”, …

pkg-list <<pkg-list,rfs:pkg-list>> *optional* :: additional packages that are installed into the initvm.

preseed <<preseed,rfs:preseed>> *optional* :: Custom preseeding Values for apt

size <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: size of the virtual harddisk used to run the build environment

mem <<memory,rfs:memory>> *optional* :: amount of memory mapped into the virtual build environment

swap-size <<memory,rfs:memory>> *optional* :: size of the virtual swap partition used in the build environment. this size is subtracted from the size of the virtual harddisk. Supports unit prefixes like GiB, GB, and G.

max-cpus integer *optional* :: The number of cpus used by the initvm is clamped to this value. This shall protect the initvm from running out of memory, when running on machines with large numbers of cores. When increasing this value, be sure to also increase mem and maybe add some swap.

img <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: hd image backend format: raw, qcow, vmdk, …

portforwarding <<portforwarding,rfs:portforwarding>> *optional* :: network ports of the buildenvironment that are forwarded to the host machine

finetuning <<initvm-finetuning,rfs:initvm-finetuning>> *optional* :: Lists of commands to execute or files to create on the initvm at the very end after the debian-installer.

TYPE: project

describes elbe project settings that apply to the creation of the target rootfilesystem and include the definition of the build environment


    <name> rfs:string </name>
    <version> rfs:string </version>
    <description> rfs:string </description>
    <buildtype> rfs:string </buildtype>
    <mirror> rfs:mirror </mirror>
    <noauth> rfs:string </noauth>
    <preference> rfs:preference </preference>
    <raw-preference> rfs:raw-preference </raw-preference>
    <suite> rfs:string </suite>
    <buildimage> rfs:buildimage </buildimage>
    <preseed> rfs:preseed </preseed>

Elements description

name <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: name of the project this rootfilesystem is associated with

version <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: version of the rootfilesystem definition

description <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: human readable description of the project

buildtype <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: Default buildtype like armel, ppc, and in the future armel-virtio

mirror <<mirror,rfs:mirror>> :: used debian mirrors

noauth <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: allow installation of unsigned debian packages

preference <<preference,rfs:preference>> *optional* :: used for pinning of all packages TODO: example?

raw-preference <<raw-preference,rfs:raw-preference>> *optional* :: gets dedented and striped and is then written to /etc/apt/preferences TODO: example?

suite <<string,rfs:string>> :: name of the debian suite that should be used to generate the buildenvironment and the rootfilesystem. E.g. “bullseye”, “bookworm”, “trixie”, “sid”, …

buildimage <<buildimage,rfs:buildimage>> *optional* :: reference to the buildimage which is used to generate the rootfilesystem

preseed <<preseed,rfs:preseed>> *optional* :: Custom preseeding Values for apt

TYPE: check-image-list

Describes a sequence of check to be done on images.


    <check> rfs:check-img </check>
    <check-script> rfs:check-script </check-script>

Elements description

check <<check-img,rfs:check-img>> :: FIXME - I have no documentation

check-script <<check-script,rfs:check-script>> :: FIXME - I have no documentation

TYPE: interpreter-firmware

Describes aspects of a firmware binary needed to run an image. A matching firmware image will be looked for in QEMU’s database of installed firmware binaries.



Elements description

[attr] architecture string :: FIXME - I have no documentation

[attr] machine string :: FIXME - I have no documentation

[attr] interface_types string :: FIXME - I have no documentation

[attr] features string :: FIXME - I have no documentation

TYPE: check-img

Name of the image in the build to emulate. Image that were .tgz are also accepted.


    <img> rfs:string </img>
    <interpreter> rfs:string </interpreter>
    <interpreter-opts> rfs:string </interpreter-opts>
    <interpreter-firmware> rfs:interpreter-firmware </interpreter-firmware>
    <action> rfs:check-img-action </action>

Elements description

img <<string,rfs:string>> *mandatory:: Name of the image in the build to emulate. Image that were .tgz are also accepted.

interpreter <<string,rfs:string>> *mandatory:: Name of the interpreter to use for the emulation. e.g., qemu-system-x86_64 or qemu-system-ppc, etc.

interpreter-opts <<string,rfs:string>> *mandatory:: Options to pass to the interpreter. e.g., -enable-kvm or -drive format=raw,file=$ELBE_IMG or -hda $ELBE_IMG Word expansion is done before passing it to the interpreter. You can safely assume that the environment variable ELBE_IMG contains the absolute path to the target image to emulate.

interpreter-firmware <<interpreter-firmware,rfs:interpreter-firmware>> *optional* :: Firmware to start the interpreter with.

action <<check-img-action,rfs:check-img-action>> :: Action to be done on the target image to emulate.

TYPE: check-img-action

Action to perform on the images of a build.


    <login> rfs:string </login>
    <serial> rfs:serial </serial>

Elements description

login <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: Try to login into root session and shutdown the machine. The element takes an (optional) plain-text password for root. Default password is “root”.

serial <<serial,rfs:serial>> *optional* :: Serial communication to do with the interpreter. This requires ‘-serial stdio’ for QEMU’s interpreters.

TYPE: serial

Describes a communication to do over a serial line. The communication is done sequentially as it.



Elements description

GROUP : serial-action

Definition of possible action on serial communication.

expect type: rfs:string

A regular expression to expect to receive on the line.

sendline type: rfs:string

Send a string terminated with a newline character on the line.

EOF type: rfs:string

Expect the connecion to be closed. This should only be the last item in the sequence.

TYPE: check-script

Validate the build results by running a script. The script will be passed the build directory as argument. Exit code 0 means success.



Elements description

[attr] location string :: Read the script from a location on disk.

SIMPLE TYPE: suite-initvm

FIXME - I have no documentation

Base Type











TYPE: preference

describes a global pinning of debian packages



Elements description

[attr] pin string :: TODO: format?

TYPE: raw-preference

content is directly written to /etc/apt/preferences.



Elements description

TYPE: buildimage

definition of the build environment


    <arch> rfs:string </arch>
    <size> rfs:string </size>
    <interpreter> rfs:string </interpreter>
    <interpreterversion> rfs:string </interpreterversion>
    <kinitrd> rfs:string </kinitrd>
    <console> rfs:string </console>
    <machine> rfs:string </machine>
    <triplet> rfs:string </triplet>
    <NIC> rfs:NIC </NIC>
    <portforwarding> rfs:portforwarding </portforwarding>
    <pkgversionlist> rfs:string </pkgversionlist>
    <pkg-list> rfs:pkg-list </pkg-list>

Elements description

arch <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: architecture of the target system. e.g. “amd64”, “armel”, “ppc”, ..

size <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: size of the virtual harddisk used to run the build environment

interpreter <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: virtual machine interpreter, e.g. “kvm”, “qemu-system-arm”, …

interpreterversion <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: virtual machine interpreter version, no longer in use

kinitrd <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: pkg name of the initrd/kernel package. (obsolete and ignored)

console <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: serial console of the virtual machine, e.g. “ttyAMA0,115200n1”

machine <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: virtual platform to host the build environment, e.g. “versatilepb”

triplet <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: The triplet that is used to generate the SDK environment.

NIC <<NIC,rfs:NIC>> *optional* :: network interface emulation

portforwarding <<portforwarding,rfs:portforwarding>> *optional* :: network ports of the buildenvironment that are forwarded to the host machine

pkgversionlist <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: create /etc/elbe_pkglist on the target RFS. It includes all packages that include files that are used in the target. The list also contains the versions of the used packages.

pkg-list <<pkg-list,rfs:pkg-list>> *optional* :: additional packages that are only installed into the build environment; not into the target root filesystem.

TYPE: memory

Helper around memory_restriction to allow XML base attribute



Elements description

SIMPLE TYPE: memory_restriction

Memory can be specified using binary unit prefixes like MiB and GiB, or SI prefixes like GB,MB or simply G or M.

Base Type






describes a virtual network interface


    <model> rfs:string </model>
    <MAC> rfs:string </MAC>

Elements description

model <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: hardware emulation of the network interface; e.g. “e1000”

MAC <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: mac address of the virtual network interface

TYPE: fw_proto

Helper around fw_proto_restriction to allow XML base attribute



Elements description

SIMPLE TYPE: fw_proto_restriction

only tcp and udp are allowed protocols for forwarding

Base Type







TYPE: forward

forward a network port from the build environment to the host machine


    <proto> rfs:fw_proto </proto>
    <buildenv> integer </buildenv>
    <host> integer </host>

Elements description

proto <<fw_proto,rfs:fw_proto>> *mandatory:: network protocol to forward either “udp” or “tcp”

buildenv integer *mandatory:: port on the buildenvironment, e.g. “22” for ssh

host integer *mandatory:: port on the host machine, e.g. “10022”

TYPE: portforwarding

forward network ports from the build environment to the host machine


    <forward> rfs:forward </forward>

Elements description

forward <<forward,rfs:forward>> *optional* :: describes a single port forward

TYPE: target

configuration of the target rootfilesystem


    <hostname> rfs:string </hostname>
    <domain> rfs:string </domain>
    <passwd_hashed> rfs:string </passwd_hashed>
    <console> rfs:string </console>
    <debootstrap> rfs:debootstrap </debootstrap>
    <package> rfs:package </package>
    <images> rfs:images </images>
    <fstab> rfs:fstab </fstab>
    <tighten> rfs:string </tighten>
    <diet> rfs:string </diet>
    <setsel> rfs:string </setsel>
    <install-recommends> rfs:string </install-recommends>
    <finetuning> rfs:finetuning </finetuning>
    <project-finetuning> rfs:project-finetuning </project-finetuning>
    <pbuilder> rfs:pbuilder </pbuilder>
    <pkg-list> rfs:pkg-list </pkg-list>
    <pkg-blacklist> rfs:blacklist </pkg-blacklist>
    <hostsdk-pkg-list> rfs:pkg-list </hostsdk-pkg-list>

Elements description

hostname <<string,rfs:string>> *mandatory:: hostname of the system

domain <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: domainname of the network the target system is part of

passwd_hashed <<string,rfs:string>> *mandatory:: Hashed root password. The method must be supported by the target system. The default method since bullseye is yescrypt. elbe preprocess generates one from cleartext password with sha512crypt for compatibility reasons. You can generate a crypt hash via mkpasswd from whois package, e.g.: mkpasswd –method=sha512crypt –rounds=656000

console <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: serial console for getty

debootstrap <<debootstrap,rfs:debootstrap>> *optional* :: Bootstrap configuration

package <<package,rfs:package>> *optional* :: package rootfilesystem as a tarball, cpio or a squashfs image

images <<images,rfs:images>> *optional* :: generate (flashable) images of the rootfilesystem

fstab <<fstab,rfs:fstab>> *optional* :: specify which resources should be mounted

tighten <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: don’t install any dependencies; just the content of the given debian packages

diet <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: use reverse dependencies of the given debian packages to determine the rootfilesystem content; this is useful to get rid of dpkg/apt.

setsel <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: Elbe uses +dpkg –set-selections+ to install packages in the target. The rootfs still needs dpkg, and all dependencies need to be specified in the pkg-list. The target will contain all postinst generated scripts.

install-recommends <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: Activate the installation of recommended Packages.

finetuning <<finetuning,rfs:finetuning>> *optional* :: apply the given commands to the target rootfilesystem

project-finetuning <<project-finetuning,rfs:project-finetuning>> *optional* :: apply the given commands to the project directory, after images have been generated. Currently supported use-cases are: * extract partition from image and mark as build artifact. * mark files as build artifacts * mv files from target directory to project directory

pbuilder <<pbuilder,rfs:pbuilder>> *optional* :: build and optionaly install debianized sources

pkg-list <<pkg-list,rfs:pkg-list>> *optional* :: install the given packages into the rootfilesystem

pkg-blacklist <<blacklist,rfs:blacklist>> *optional* :: avoid installation of packages into sysroot or target

hostsdk-pkg-list <<pkg-list,rfs:pkg-list>> *optional* :: install the given packages into the hostsdk. (ignores pin and versions, with the current implementation)

TYPE: debootstrap_variant

Helper around debootstrap_variant_restriction to allow XML base attribute



Elements description

SIMPLE TYPE: debootstrap_variant_restriction

Restrict the possible debootstrap variants

Base Type









TYPE: debootstrap

Container for debootstrap configuration.


    <variant> rfs:debootstrap_variant </variant>
    <include> string </include>
    <exclude> string </exclude>
    <type> rfs:bootstrap_type </type>

Elements description

variant <<debootstrap_variant,rfs:debootstrap_variant>> *optional* :: Name of the bootstrap script variant to use. The following variants are supported: * minbase: required packages and apt. * buildd: build-essential packages. * fakechroot: installs the packages without root privileges.

include string *optional* :: Comma separated list of packages which will be added to download and extract lists.

exclude string *optional* :: Comma separated list of packages which will be removed from download and extract lists. WARNING: you can and probably will exclude essential packages, be careful using this option.

type <<bootstrap_type,rfs:bootstrap_type>> *optional* :: Bootstrapper type. Either debootstrap (the default) or mmdebstrap.

SIMPLE TYPE: bootstrap_type

FIXME - I have no documentation

Base Type







TYPE: ubi_type

Helper around ubi_type_restriction to allow XML base attribute



Elements description

SIMPLE TYPE: ubi_type_restriction

a ubi volume can be either static or dynamic

Base Type







TYPE: ubi

describes a ubi volume


    <type> rfs:ubi_type </type>
    <label> rfs:string </label>
    <id> integer </id>
    <size> rfs:part_size </size>
    <binary> rfs:string </binary>
    <empty> rfs:string </empty>

Elements description

type <<ubi_type,rfs:ubi_type>> *mandatory:: type of the ubi volume; either “static” or “dynamic”

label <<string,rfs:string>> *mandatory:: human readable name of the ubi volume (also used for mount by label)

id integer *mandatory:: id of the ubi volume

size <<part_size,rfs:part_size>> *mandatory:: size of the ubi volume

binary <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: path and filename of a binary image which will be used as a source for this volume; this can be used for example to store the linux kernel in a static ubi volume

empty <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: if binary is used or a label was given that is also available in the fstab this tag can be used to force the creation of an empty ubi volume.

TYPE: ubivg

container for all ubi volumes of a mtd device


    <label> rfs:string </label>
    <miniosize> rfs:string </miniosize>
    <maxlogicaleraseblockcount> rfs:string </maxlogicaleraseblockcount>
    <logicaleraseblocksize> rfs:string </logicaleraseblocksize>
    <physicaleraseblocksize> rfs:string </physicaleraseblocksize>
    <subpagesize> rfs:string </subpagesize>
    <ubi> rfs:ubi </ubi>

Elements description

label <<string,rfs:string>> *mandatory:: human readable name; used to generate filename for the flashable image file

miniosize <<string,rfs:string>> *mandatory:: flash parameter minimal i/o size

maxlogicaleraseblockcount <<string,rfs:string>> *mandatory:: flash parameter maximum logical erase block count

logicaleraseblocksize <<string,rfs:string>> *mandatory:: flash parameter logical erase block size

physicaleraseblocksize <<string,rfs:string>> *mandatory:: flash parameter physical erase block size

subpagesize <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: flash parameter subpagesize

ubi <<ubi,rfs:ubi>> :: list of ubi volumes

TYPE: mtd

describes a mtd device


    <name> rfs:string </name>
    <nr> integer </nr>
    <size> rfs:part_size </size>
    <binary> rfs:string </binary>
    <ubivg> rfs:ubivg </ubivg>

Elements description

name <<string,rfs:string>> *mandatory:: human readable name of the mtd device

nr integer *mandatory:: number of the mtd device

size <<part_size,rfs:part_size>> *mandatory:: size of the mtd device

binary <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: path and filename of a binary image which will be used as a source for this mtd device; this can be used for example to store the bootloader in the beginning of the flash (mtd0)

ubivg <<ubivg,rfs:ubivg>> *optional* :: if the mtd will be used to store ubi volumes, this container is used to define them

TYPE: gpthd

describes a harddisk


    <name> rfs:string </name>
    <size> rfs:part_size </size>
    <first_partition_sector> rfs:part_size </first_partition_sector>
    <grub-install> rfs:string </grub-install>
    <binary> rfs:binaryblob </binary>
    <partition> rfs:partition </partition>

Elements description

name <<string,rfs:string>> *mandatory:: human readable name of the harddisk, this will be used as name for the image file

size <<part_size,rfs:part_size>> *mandatory:: size of the harddisk

first_partition_sector <<part_size,rfs:part_size>> *optional* :: Starting sector for the first partition

grub-install <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: Installs grub on this harddisk. The text content will be used as additional command line arguments to Elbe’s grub-install call.

binary <<binaryblob,rfs:binaryblob>> *optional* :: binary blob that is dd’ed to the specified offset

partition <<partition,rfs:partition>> *optional* :: Partition Entries of this harddisk

TYPE: binaryblob

a binary that is dd’ed to the specified offset. If path starts with a /, the binary blob will be interpreted as relative to target root. Otherwise, the path will be interpreted as being relative to the corresponding elbe project.



Elements description

[attr] offset int :: byteoffset from the beginning of the image

[attr] blocksize int :: blocksize in bytes for the bytewise copy (default 1)

TYPE: msdoshd

describes a harddisk


    <name> rfs:string </name>
    <size> rfs:part_size </size>
    <first_partition_sector> rfs:part_size </first_partition_sector>
    <grub-install> rfs:string </grub-install>
    <binary> rfs:binaryblob </binary>
    <partition> rfs:partition </partition>
    <extended> rfs:extended </extended>

Elements description

name <<string,rfs:string>> *mandatory:: human readable name of the harddisk, this will be used as name for the image file

size <<part_size,rfs:part_size>> *mandatory:: size of the harddisk

first_partition_sector <<part_size,rfs:part_size>> *optional* :: Starting sector for the first partition

grub-install <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: Installs grub on this harddisk. The text content will be used as additional command line arguments to Elbe’s grub-install call.

binary <<binaryblob,rfs:binaryblob>> *optional* :: binary blob that is dd’ed to the specified offset

partition <<partition,rfs:partition>> *optional* :: Partition Entries of this harddisk (max: 4)

extended <<extended,rfs:extended>> *optional* :: Extended Partition Entries of this harddisk (max: 1)

TYPE: images

container for all storage devices of the target


    <mtd> rfs:mtd </mtd>
    <msdoshd> rfs:msdoshd </msdoshd>
    <gpthd> rfs:gpthd </gpthd>
    <passno> rfs:string </passno>

Elements description

mtd <<mtd,rfs:mtd>> *optional* :: container for all mtd devices of the target

msdoshd <<msdoshd,rfs:msdoshd>> *optional* :: container for Harddisks with msdos Partitionlabel.

gpthd <<gpthd,rfs:gpthd>> *optional* :: container for Harddisks with GPT Partitionlabel

passno <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: passno order for fsck

TYPE: fs

description of a linux filesystem


    <type> rfs:fs_type </type>
    <mkfs> rfs:string </mkfs>
    <fs-finetuning> rfs:fs-finetuning </fs-finetuning>
    <passno> rfs:string </passno>

Elements description

type <<fs_type,rfs:fs_type>> *mandatory:: filesystemtype, e.g. “ext3”, “ubifs”, …

mkfs <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: options passed to the mkfs command

fs-finetuning <<fs-finetuning,rfs:fs-finetuning>> *optional* :: apply the given commands to the filesystem

passno <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: passno order for fsck

TYPE: bylabel

mount storage by the label of the partition or volume


    <label> rfs:string </label>
    <mountpoint> rfs:string </mountpoint>
    <fs> rfs:fs </fs>
    <options> rfs:string </options>
    <nofstab> rfs:empty </nofstab>

Elements description

label <<string,rfs:string>> *mandatory:: label of the partition/volume to mount

mountpoint <<string,rfs:string>> *mandatory:: path in the rootfilesystem where the partition/volume is mounted

fs <<fs,rfs:fs>> *mandatory:: filesystem of the partition/volume to mount

options <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: options passed to the mount command

nofstab <<empty,rfs:empty>> *optional* :: This mountpoint shall not be inserted into fstab. Useful for redundant filesystems, where two entries with identical mountpoint would end up in the fstab.

TYPE: bydev

mount virtual filesystems or other storage devices device-node


    <source> rfs:string </source>
    <mountpoint> rfs:string </mountpoint>
    <fs> rfs:fs </fs>
    <options> rfs:string </options>

Elements description

source <<string,rfs:string>> *mandatory:: either a device-node or “none” for virtual filesystems

mountpoint <<string,rfs:string>> *mandatory:: path in the rootfilesystem where the device or virtual filesystem is mounted

fs <<fs,rfs:fs>> *mandatory:: filesystem of the device or the virtual filesystem name

options <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: options passed to the mount command

TYPE: fstab

container for mounts


    <bylabel> rfs:bylabel </bylabel>
    <bydev> rfs:bydev </bydev>

Elements description

bylabel <<bylabel,rfs:bylabel>> *optional* :: describes a mount by a volume or partition label

bydev <<bydev,rfs:bydev>> *optional* :: describes a mount based on a device node or a mount of a virtual filesystem like debugfs or tmpfs

TYPE: fs-finetuning

container for filesystem finetuning commands; these commands are executed directly after the filesystem was created.



Elements description

GROUP : fs-action

definition of filesystem finetuning commands

device-command type: rfs:string

execute the defined command in /bin/sh. The command is being executed before the filesystem is mounted. The placeholder {device} is pointing to the device containing the filesystem.

path-command type: rfs:string

execute the defined command in /bin/sh. The command is being executed after the filesystem is mounted. The placeholder {path} is pointing to the path where the filesystem is mounted to.

TYPE: package

list of packages, each contains the hole rootfilesystem


    <tar> rfs:tar </tar>
    <cpio> rfs:cpio </cpio>
    <squashfs> rfs:squashfs </squashfs>

Elements description

tar <<tar,rfs:tar>> *optional* :: tar package of the rootfilesystem

cpio <<cpio,rfs:cpio>> *optional* :: cpio package of the rootfilesystem

squashfs <<squashfs,rfs:squashfs>> *optional* :: squashfs image of the rootfilesystem

TYPE: tar

describes a tar package


    <name> rfs:string </name>
    <options> rfs:string </options>

Elements description

name <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: filename of the tar package

options <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: options passed to the tar command

TYPE: cpio

describes a cpio package


    <name> rfs:string </name>

Elements description

name <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: filename of the cpio package

TYPE: squashfs

describes a squashfs image


    <name> rfs:string </name>
    <options> rfs:string </options>

Elements description

name <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: filename of the squashfs image

options <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: options passed to the mksquashfs command

TYPE: partition

describes a partition of a harddisk


    <size> rfs:part_size </size>
    <label> rfs:string </label>
    <name> rfs:string </name>
    <binary> rfs:string </binary>
    <bootable> rfs:string </bootable>
    <biosgrub> rfs:string </biosgrub>

Elements description

size <<part_size,rfs:part_size>> :: size of the partition

label <<string,rfs:string>> :: human readable label of the partition used for mount by label and as filename for the flashable image

name <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: human readable name of the partition used for naming a gpt partition

binary <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: path and filename of a binary image which will be used as a source for this volume; this can be used for example to store a bootloader in a partition.

bootable <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: Whether this partition is marked bootable.

biosgrub <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: Whether this partition is marked as biosgrub partition.

TYPE: extended

describes a extended partition of a harddisk


    <size> rfs:part_size </size>
    <logical> rfs:partition </logical>

Elements description

size <<part_size,rfs:part_size>> :: size of the partition

logical <<partition,rfs:partition>> *optional* :: logical partition of this extended partition

TYPE: part_size

Helper around part_size_restriction to allow XML base attribute



Elements description

SIMPLE TYPE: part_size_restriction

format of the partition size

Base Type





TYPE: fs_type

Helper around fs_type_restriction to allow XML base attribute



Elements description

SIMPLE TYPE: fs_type_restriction

list of supported filesystems

Base Type

































TYPE: initvm-finetuning

container for initvm-finetuning actions; these actions are executed at the end of the init-elbe.sh script in the target.


<command> rfs:string </command>

Elements description

GROUP : initvm-action

definition of initvm-finetuning actions

command type: rfs:string

execute a shell command in the target

TYPE: finetuning

container for finetuning commands; these commands are executed in the root of the target filesystem after the target filesystem was created


<addgroup> rfs:addgroup </addgroup>
<adduser> rfs:adduser </adduser>
<file> rfs:file </file>
<rm> rfs:rm </rm>
<cp> rfs:cpmv </cp>
<ln> rfs:cpmv </ln>
<buildenv_cp> rfs:cpmv </buildenv_cp>
<b2t_cp> rfs:cpmv </b2t_cp>
<t2b_cp> rfs:cpmv </t2b_cp>
<mv> rfs:cpmv </mv>
<buildenv_mv> rfs:cpmv </buildenv_mv>
<t2p_mv> rfs:cpmv </t2p_mv>
<mkdir> rfs:string </mkdir>
<buildenv_mkdir> rfs:string </buildenv_mkdir>
<mknod> rfs:mknod </mknod>
<purge> rfs:string </purge>
<raw_cmd> rfs:string </raw_cmd>
<command> rfs:string </command>
<buildenv_command> rfs:string </buildenv_command>
<updated> rfs:string </updated>
<artifact> rfs:string </artifact>
<rm_apt_source> rfs:string </rm_apt_source>

Elements description

GROUP : action

definition of finetuning commands

addgroup type: rfs:addgroup

add a group by name

adduser type: rfs:adduser

add a user account by login name

file type: rfs:file

write or append text to a file

rm type: rfs:rm

remove a file or directory (recursive). Also allows specifying an exclude pattern.

cp type: rfs:cpmv

copy a file or directory (recursive)

ln type: rfs:cpmv

create a symbolic link

buildenv_cp type: rfs:cpmv

copy a file or directory (recursive)

b2t_cp type: rfs:cpmv

copy a file or directory (recursive)

t2b_cp type: rfs:cpmv

copy a file or directory (recursive)

mv type: rfs:cpmv

move a file or directory

buildenv_mv type: rfs:cpmv

move a file or directory

t2p_mv type: rfs:cpmv

move a file from the target to the project directory

mkdir type: rfs:string

create a directory

buildenv_mkdir type: rfs:string

create a directory

mknod type: rfs:mknod

move a file or directory

purge type: rfs:string

purge a debian package out of the rootfilesystem

raw_cmd type: rfs:string

execute the defined command without a shell

command type: rfs:string

execute the defined command in /bin/sh

buildenv_command type: rfs:string

execute the defined command

updated type: rfs:string

include the base debian repository in the target rfs to enable downgrades via elbe-updated

artifact type: rfs:string

make the named file an artifact. The path is relative to the target root.

rm_apt_source type: rfs:string

remove the specified source from the sources.list on the target

TYPE: project-finetuning

container for project-finetuning commands; these commands are executed in the project directory, after the images have been generated.


<t2p_mv> rfs:cpmv </t2p_mv>
<artifact> rfs:string </artifact>
<rm_artifact> rfs:string </rm_artifact>
<losetup> rfs:losetup </losetup>
<img_convert> rfs:img_convert </img_convert>
<set_packer> rfs:set_packer </set_packer>

Elements description

GROUP : project-action

definition of finetuning commands

t2p_mv type: rfs:cpmv

move a file from the target to the project directory

artifact type: rfs:string

make the named file an artifact. The path is relative to the project directory.

rm_artifact type: rfs:string

remove a project artifact from the list of artifacts.

losetup type: rfs:losetup

Setup the loop device with an image file. This node wraps image_finetuning Actions, which access the loop device then.

img_convert type: rfs:img_convert

Convert a Partitionimage to another format. The new Image is added to the list of artifacts.

set_packer type: rfs:set_packer

Specify the packer to use for an artifact.

TYPE: losetup

Container for image_finetuning commands; these commands are executed in the project directory, while a drive image is setup as a loop device. The loop device id is passed to the individual actions.


<extract_partition> rfs:extract_partition </extract_partition>
<copy_from_partition> rfs:copy_from_partition </copy_from_partition>
<copy_to_partition> rfs:copy_to_partition </copy_to_partition>
<set_partition_type> rfs:set_partition_type </set_partition_type>
<command> rfs:partition-command </command>

Elements description

[attr] img string :: Name of the image artifact that would be used for loop mounting.

GROUP : image_action

definition of image finetuning commands

extract_partition type: rfs:extract_partition

Extract a Partition from the currently mounted loop device.

copy_from_partition type: rfs:copy_from_partition

Copy a file from a partition. The partition is mounted, and the file is then copied from the mounted filesystem into the builddir. Its marked as an Artifact.

copy_to_partition type: rfs:copy_to_partition

Copy an artifact onto a partition. The partition is mounted, and the file is then copied into the mounted filesystem.

set_partition_type type: rfs:set_partition_type

Set the type of a partition via fdisk. (to support esoteric partition types, that parted does not support.)

command type: rfs:partition-command

Execute a command with a partition mounted. Before the comand is executed, the environment variable ELBE_MNT is set to the absolute filepath to the mount point.

TYPE: extract_partition

Describe the partition to be extracted (nr) and the destination filename. The value of the tag describes the filename of the generated Imagefile. The Image is per default compressed with gzip afterwards.



Elements description

[attr] part integer :: The partition of the rfs image in integer that needs to be extracted.

TYPE: partition-command

The tag’s text node should be valid shell commands.



Elements description

[attr] part integer :: This is the device partition number.

[attr] nomount boolean :: If true, device will not be mounted.

TYPE: copy_from_partition

Using “copy_from partition”, the user gets an opportunity to copy a file from a partition and save it as an atrifact in the build output. This element’s content is the file’s path mentioned in the “part” partition.



Elements description

[attr] part integer :: Describes the partition to which the required file belongs.

[attr] artifact string :: The name of the file that needs to be extracted is termed as an “artifact”.

TYPE: copy_to_partition

It copies the artifact to a given partition that will be mounted. Please note that this element’s value is destination’s path in “part” partition.



Elements description

[attr] part integer :: Describes the partition number that the required file is copied to.

[attr] artifact string :: The name of the file that is copied to the destination is termed as “artifact”

TYPE: set_partition_type

Sets the partition type of a particular partition to the specified type for disk labels. When changing partition type, it asks user the partition number in case of many partitions, and then the type.



Elements description

[attr] part integer :: Describes the partition to be modified in integer.

[attr] type string :: Describes the numerical partition id, as understood by fdsik. It is the “partition type” and can be a numerical id or a textual alias for it.

TYPE: addgroup

describes an additional user group to be created. the following parameters are available: ‘gid’ - group id. ‘system = “True” - system group. The value of the tag describes the group name for the account.



Elements description

[attr] gid string :: Describes the numerical value of group’s ID. Since the type is string, this can be a numerical or textual alias

[attr] system boolean :: It needs to be True by default to create a new system group. This makes it possible to have the system groups chosen in the range of SYS_GID_MIN-SYS_GID_MAX.

TYPE: img_convert

Gives an opportunity to convert the image to a specific format. The Image is by default compressed with gzip afterwards. The value of the tag describes the name of the image.



Elements description

[attr] dst string :: Describes the filename of the converted image file.

[attr] fmt string :: Describes the format which image file needs to be converted to. Please check supported formats section in “qemu-img –help”.

[attr] keep_src boolean :: If set to ‘true’ the original image file is kept.

TYPE: set_packer

Set the packer to use for an artifact. The value of the tag describes the filename of the Imagefile.



Elements description

[attr] packer <<packer-type,rfs:packer-type>> :: Describes the compressor for the resulting image from the following values:(none, gzip, zstd, tar, targz, tarxz, tarzstd, android-sparse).

SIMPLE TYPE: packer-type

FIXME - I have no documentation

Base Type



















TYPE: file

Gives opportunity to write, append, encode data to a specific file on the target image, change permissions, owner and group of file. The value of the tag is the raw/encoded content to write/append to the destination.



Elements description

[attr] dst string :: This defines the destination to write to.

[attr] encoding string :: This is an optional attribute for encoding of the content. Please note that available encoding options are plain, raw and base64.

[attr] append boolean :: If true, appends the content to file instead of writing.

[attr] owner string :: This sets the file owner to the file given in dst attribute.

[attr] group string :: This sets group ownership for the file given in dst attribute.

[attr] mode string :: This sets file permission using mode bits.

TYPE: adduser

Adds an additional user account for the rfs. It creates a new user or updates the default new user information. The value of the tag defines the name of the user to be added.



Elements description

[attr] shell string :: This specifies the login shell for the user.

[attr] passwd_hashed string :: This is an optional attribute for hashed password for the user.

[attr] groups string :: This is a comma separated list of groups the user is member of.

[attr] uid string :: This gives user id for the required user.

[attr] gid string :: This is an optional attribute for primary group, may be numeric or a name.

[attr] home string :: The new user will be created using this value as a home directory. This can be used as user’s login directory.

[attr] system boolean :: This needs to be True by default to create a new system account.

[attr] create_home boolean :: This needs to be False to not create a home directory.

[attr] create_group boolean :: This needs to be “False” to not create a group with same name as the user.

TYPE: cpmv

Copies or moves a file within the root file system. The tag’s text node is the destination path where file needs to be moved or copied to.



Elements description

[attr] path string :: This attribute is a source file that needs to be copied to the destination file.

TYPE: rm

Remove a file or directory from the target. The tag’s text node matches on the absolute location of the file to be deleted.



Elements description

[attr] exclude string :: This sets an exclude pattern that will not be deleted.

TYPE: mknod

Describes a mknod operation in finetuning to make block or character special files. The value of tag’s text node is the special block or character file on which mknod needs to be operated.



Elements description

[attr] opts string :: This attribute makes node of type, major number, minor number for a given file.

TYPE: git_src

The value of this tag is the URI of the git repository, e.g. “git://myhost/myrepo.git”.



Elements description

[attr] revision string :: This attribute describes the revision to be checked out from the git tree.

TYPE: svn_src

The value of this tag is the URI of the svn repository, e.g. “svn://myhost/myrepo/tags/my_tag”.



Elements description

[attr] revision string :: This attribute gives the revision to be checked out from the given svn repository.

TYPE: pkg

describes a debian binary package



Elements description

[attr] origin string :: prefer the defined version of the debian package

[attr] release-name string :: prefer the defined codename of the debian package

[attr] release-archive string :: prefer the defined archive/suite of the debian package

[attr] release-version string :: prefer the defined Debian release version of the debian package

[attr] release-component string :: prefer the defined component of the debian package

[attr] release-origin string :: prefer the defined originator of the debian package

[attr] release-label string :: prefer the defined label of the debian package

[attr] uri string :: uniform resource identifier of the debian package

[attr] pin string :: prefer the defined version of the debian package Deprecated, use attribute “release-name” instead.

[attr] version string :: version of the package

[attr] auto boolean :: installed automatically as a dependency

[attr] md5 string :: md5 sum of the package.

[attr] sha1 string :: sha1 sum of the package.

[attr] sha256 string :: sha256 sum of the package.

[attr] sha512 string :: sha512 sum of the package.

[attr] prio string :: priority of the package in the original repository.

[attr] arch string :: architecture of the package in the original repository.

[attr] on_src_cd string :: If set to “False” the source will not be included on the source cdrom.

TYPE: pbuilder

reference to debian source packages


    <src-pkg> rfs:string </src-pkg>
    <git> rfs:git_src </git>
    <svn> rfs:svn_src </svn>

Elements description

src-pkg <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: reference to a debian source package from a deb-src archive. The source will be built with a pbuilder before the image generation.

git <<git_src,rfs:git_src>> *optional* :: reference to a git tree hosting a debian source package. The source will be built with a pbuilder before the image generation.

svn <<svn_src,rfs:svn_src>> *optional* :: reference to a svn repository hosting a debian source package. The source will be built with a pbuilder before the image generation.

TYPE: pkg-list

container of debian packages


    <pkg> rfs:pkg </pkg>

Elements description

pkg <<pkg,rfs:pkg>> *optional* :: reference to a binary debian package which will be installed from the given mirrors into the target rootfilesystem.

TYPE: blacklist

blacklists of debian packages


    <sysroot> rfs:pkg-list </sysroot>

Elements description

sysroot <<pkg-list,rfs:pkg-list>> *optional* :: avoid installing the specified packages into the sysroot

TYPE: fullpkg-list

List of packages to be validated against the installed list.


    <pkg> rfs:pkg </pkg>

Elements description

pkg <<pkg,rfs:pkg>> *optional* :: Reference to a binary debian package which is supposed to be installed.

TYPE: conf

describes a preseeding entry



Elements description

[attr] owner string :: owner package of the config entry

[attr] key string :: key name of the entry

[attr] type string :: type of the config entry

[attr] value string :: value of the config entry

TYPE: preseed

container of config entries


    <conf> rfs:conf </conf>

Elements description

conf <<conf,rfs:conf>> *optional* :: A config entry

TYPE: empty

This element just acts like a flag. It might be there, or not.



Elements description

TYPE: string

E.L.B.E. standard string. Allow XML base attribute.



Elements description

TYPE: src-cdrom

Configuration of the src-cdrom


    <size> rfs:memory </size>
    <src-opts> rfs:iso-opts </src-opts>
    <archive> rfs:src-cdrom-archive </archive>

Elements description

size <<memory,rfs:memory>> *optional* :: The size limit for each source cdrom ISO image. The files are distributed on several cdroms as needed. Omitting this element means no size limit.

src-opts <<iso-opts,rfs:iso-opts>> *optional* :: Options for the source cdrom ISO images.

archive <<src-cdrom-archive,rfs:src-cdrom-archive>> *optional* :: tar.bz2 file that contains base64 encoded files for the source cdrom.

TYPE: src-cdrom-archive

Holds a base64 encoded tar.bz2 file that is added to the src-cdrom.



Elements description

[attr] volume <<volume-type,rfs:volume-type>> :: Use this to control where the archive is stored when using split src-cdroms. It consists of a comma-separated list of volume numbers. A volume number can be 0 to n-1 for n equals the number of volumes if the src-cdrom is split. A volume number can also be negative to identify a volume beginning from the last index. (-1: last, -2: second last, …) If you do not specify this attribute, the archive is added to each volume.

SIMPLE TYPE: volume-type

FIXME - I have no documentation

Base Type





TYPE: iso-opts

ISO image options passed to genisoimage(1).


    <abstract> rfs:string </abstract>
    <app> rfs:string </app>
    <biblio> rfs:string </biblio>
    <copyright> rfs:string </copyright>
    <publisher> rfs:string </publisher>
    <preparer> rfs:string </preparer>
    <sysid> rfs:string </sysid>
    <volid> rfs:string </volid>
    <volset> rfs:string </volset>

Elements description

[attr] strict boolean :: If set to “true”, fails in preprocessing stage if an option doesn’t respect ISO-9660. The default is “false”.

abstract <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: FIXME - I have no documentation

app <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: FIXME - I have no documentation

biblio <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: FIXME - I have no documentation

copyright <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: FIXME - I have no documentation

publisher <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: FIXME - I have no documentation

preparer <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: FIXME - I have no documentation

sysid <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: FIXME - I have no documentation

volid <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: FIXME - I have no documentation

volset <<string,rfs:string>> *optional* :: FIXME - I have no documentation