ELBE 12.5 (2020-07-23)

Debian packages for “ELBE 12.5” are available from linutronix. Add sth. like this to your sources.list:

deb http://debian.linutronix.de/elbe buster main

Processing License Files

There are now more than one License File. Packages which are not installed on the target will not show up in licence-target.xml.

pbuilder speedup

Pbuilder now supports cross builds, and ccache.


Building ubuntu targets is now supported.


Some parts of the new unittesting are merged.

Full changelog

  • Fix building sdk for amd64

  • Add cross build support to pbuilder.

  • Add ccache support to pbuilder.

  • Limited finetuning support for initvm.

  • First part of the elbe test suite

    • doctests for filesystem

    • doctests for shellhelper

    • pylint as unittest

  • schema: Add possibility to add multiple binary blobs

  • debianize: kernel: Add lzop build dependency

  • initvmaction: Add sync action

  • Include Source Packages for Built-Using: Entries into src-cdrom.

  • src-cdrom now sorts packages in components for sysroot, host-sysroot, target, etc.

  • Source packages only show up in target component if files from the package are contained in the target.

  • Python3 is now used on the host side. (initvm is still waiting for python3-spyne)

  • The preprocessor now handles proxy setup.

  • initvm: create: Add COW logic for initvm

  • initvmaction: Fix soap host (Fixes: #271)

  • finetuning: Add command action in image context

  • elbeproject: cope with incremental build without initvm node

  • Fix bin-cdrom.iso signature validation in initvm-create (Fixes: #260)

  • hdimg: Add support for specifying the first partition offset

  • Basic Support for building ubuntu targets.