ELBE 12.0 is released. The XML format is compatible.
Debian packages for “ELBE 12.0” are available from linutronix. Add sth. like this to your sources.list:
deb http://debian.linutronix.de/elbe buster main
Versioning Schema
The last ELBE versions had a lot of minor bug fixes. As result, the version numbers increased very fast. Therefore we switch to a version schema with major and minor numbers.
New Logging
The logging and error handling code is completely new. The logging output is improved and a build failure now results in error return codes, and no files will be downloaded. This is especially the case for finetuning errors which have been ignored before.
INITVM Version Buster
The initvm is now using Debian 10 (Buster)
Limit src-cdrom size
The src-cdrom can be split up in multiple cd-roms. This can be configured in the xml file.
Customize src-cdrom
It is possible to add custom specific files to the src-cdrom. This can be done with ‘archivedir’ tags in the ‘src-cdrom’ section.
Repository Key in xml file
The key of a repository is now stored in the ELBE xml file using the tag ‘raw-key’. The old key tags are replaced by the preprocessor now.
An example of the usage of ‘raw-key’, can be found at: examples/includes/devel/mirrors.xml