Debian based system to generate root-filesystems for embedded devices.

General Notes

Generally root-filesystem creation faces the following requirements:

  • Creation of root-filesystem for a specific architecture.

  • Generation of a development environment for the specific architecture.

Trying to solve this via cross-compilation of the required packages, we face the following problems:

  • Many packages are not designed and tested for cross-compilation.

  • Big projects consume a significant amount of time to cross compile.

  • Dependencies are not resolved automatically. The developer is required to manually find out which package versions of dependencies are required.

  • Changes and patches to the packages need to be updated for newer versions. This process makes an update a very time consuming process.

  • One must make sure that the same toolchain is used in the development environment and in the root-filesystem.

Elbe takes a different approach for solving these problems:

  • Standard packages are not self compiled. Elbe uses the Debian distributions binary packages.

  • Own applications are not cross compiled. They are built natively on the target architecture in a virtual machine or emulator (qemu-system-* or kvm is supported at the moment).

  • The root-filesystem is a subset of of the Debian system on the virtual development machine. This implicitly ensures, that the same toolchain is used on the development machine and on the target.

  • Updating, adding or removing a package is done via Debians package-management (apt) which also resolves package dependencies.


Elbe is shipped as Debian package. This package will pull in the necessary dependencies.

Configure /etc/apt/sources.list.d appropriately:

echo 'deb squeeze main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list

and install elbe using the following command:

aptitude install elbe


The Elbe system consists of the program elbe which is implemented in Python. Similar to git, it can be called with several sub commands. For example:

elbe <command>
elbe create --directory /scratch/example example.xml
elbe chg_archive example.xml archive.tar.bz2

An Elbe project consists of an xml file that describes the project.

The elbe create command generates a project directory, which contains the virtual hard disk image and a Makefile to create a buildimage and the root-filesystem.

During this process, elbe create will search the package repos mentioned in the xml files mirror section for the kinitrd package, that includes the debian-installer. You can use the packages provided by Linutronix from by adding this url to the mirror section.

After elbe create has generated the project directory, change to the project directory and run make.

This will start the root-filesystem generation process:

  • The initrd of the debian-installer is modified by elbe, so that it doesn’t ask questions during installation.

  • The target image generation is hooked into the install process

  • An emulator starts the installation process

  • A copy of the buildimage (installed by the debian-installer) is used as target image. (There is a set of different modes for this copy)

  • fine-tuning commands are applied to this copy.

  • The archive is unpacked into the copy.

  • According to what is specified in the xml file. The copy is then baked into a tar archive or filesystem image.

This diagram illustrates the complete process:


The following steps are executed inside the emulator:


Example XML Files

A root-filesystem-project is described with a xml file.

Elbe ships with a set of example xml files.

The following xml file describes a simple system in the default full copy mode. The root filesystem is essentially identical to the build system and it will be saved as nfsroot.tar.gz

<ns0:RootFileSystem xmlns:ns0=""
        created="2009-05-20T08:50:56" revision="5"
        xsi:schemaLocation=" dbsfed.xsd">
                                        <binary> squeeze main</binary>
                <noauth />

To generate the project directory from the xml file the following command is used:

elbe create --directory /home/user/example example.xml

The project-directory must not exist before calling this command. It will contain several scripts, files and a Makefile, which controls the creation of the root-filesystem.

Creation of the build system

Now change to the project directory and run


This will start the debian-installer in the virtual machine, which will install the build system according to the xml file description. It also generates the archive nfsroot.tar.gz with a copy of the buildimage.


This takes a while.

Working inside the virtual machine

After successful installation, the virtual machine can be started:

make run

or without a graphical terminal:

make run-con

Changing the subset that is extracted as the root filesystem

Elbe has several methods to select the subset that is packaged as the root-filesystem.

  • The finetuning section allows to remove, copy or move files before the archive will be extracted and the target image is generated.

  • The norecommend tag.

  • The initial copy has several modes, which allow to extract very small subsets.

  • The embedded archive.


The finetuning section allows to copy, move and delete files in the target root-filesystem. Additionally it is possible to run commands. Here is an example finetuning section:

    <mv path="/var">/var_ro</mv>
    <cp path=/copy/me>/my/name/on/target</mv>

The copy, mv, and rm commands operate on full directories.

Advanced Copy

To copy files from the buildimage into the target image, the <command> tag can be used. The current directory is /target.

For example to copy /etc/passwd from the buildenvironment into the target, the following command can be used:

<command>cp /etc/passwd etc/ </command>

Useful directories to trim with finetuning

This section provides some useful directories that can be safely removed to get a smaller target image.

        <rm>/usr/share/doc</rm>                         1
        <rm>var/cache/apt/archives/*</rm>               2

        <rm>boot</rm>                                   3

        <rm>lib/modules/2.6.32-5-versatile/</rm>        4
        <rm>var/cache/man/*</rm>                        5
        <rm>opt/elbe</rm>                               6
        <rm>var/cache/debconf/*</rm>                    7
1 The doc files are not necessary on an embedded target.
2 The apt cache can be downloaded again if necessary.
3 The boot directory contains the kernel used for the VM. On embedded targets the kernel is normally loaded by the bootloader.
4 The kernel modules for the standard Debian kernel.
5 The man page cache
6 The full copy mode will also copy elbe onto the root-filesystem.
7 debconf cache is also not necessary


It’s also possible to include an archive into the xml file, that is unpacked into the target root-filesystem after the finetuning step. This archive must be a bzip2 compressed tar (.tar.bz2) and the following command can be used to embed the archive into the xml file:

elbe chg_archive <xmlfile> archive.tar.bz2

This feature is useful to place custom configuration-files into the final image.

Slimming the root filesystem with the different modes

The copying process has several modes. The mode is configured in the target tag. It needs to be the tag before finetuning.

The following commented example illustrates where the mode is configured.


    <diet />        1

    <norecommend /> 2

    <finetuning \>

1 The mode is configured at this place, leaving it out, enables the default mode.
2 norecommend should be placed here.


norecommend disables installation of recommended packages. This is a frequent cause for big root-filesystems. Installed programs will still work, but some functionality requiring external programs might be disabled.


This is not strictly a mode as described in the following paragraphs. It can be combined with any of them, and the following modes are mutually exclusive.


The default mode generates a full copy of the build image. This mode is the easiest to use, but its not possible to generate images which have the Debian package management removed.


The setsel mode can be used to generate images which only contain dpkg, and offers a more fine-grained control on which packages are installed.

The recommended usage is as follows:

  • Generate an image in the default mode.

  • Run the image and use aptitude to purge unwanted packages.

  • Maybe even use dpkg to remove apt and aptitude.

  • Then generate the list of selected Packages using dpkg --get-selections > selections.list

  • Transfer this file to the host System.

  • Use elbe setsel <xmlfile> selections.list to import the pkg-list into the xml file.

  • Rebuild using setsel mode.

How it works

The setsel mode works by feeding the pkg list to dpkg --set-selections in the target image copy. It has the advantage that there is no need to cope with some unregistered configuration files.


Diet Mode only copies the files that are referenced in the Package management. It resolves the dependencies so that one does not need to reference library packages.


Some packages rely on files generated in the post-inst scripts, which are not tracked by the package management. Work is in progress to execute the post-inst scripts in the target copy, but there are still some problems with corner-cases, when dependencies of these scripts get removed in the finetuning.

These Errors are hard to find. And slow down development of an RFS. Diet Mode is intended to build small root-filesystems. E.g. to add some packages, like openssh-server, to a busybox based system.

Do not use this for normal filesystems.

This also holds for the tighten mode.


Tighten mode only extracts the files referenced by the packages in pkg-list. No dependencies are resolved. This mode is intended for compatibility with old xml files, do not use in new elbe projects.

CDROM Functionality

Elbe creates a CDROM iso image with all the installed packages. It is created in the build directory, and its filename is install.iso This can also serve as an installation source.


Install Reports

The build process also creates a report file in asciidoc format: elbe-report.txt can be converted to html using the following command:

asciidoc elbe-report.txt

This report lists all files in the root-file-system, including the origin Debian package.


After a build the source.xml file includes informations about all installed packages and versions. If this information is already present in a file used with elbe create the installed package versions and md5 hashes are validated and a report is printed and saved to validation.txt. This file is also in asciidoc format.

XML Reference

This section is a step by step explanation of the ARM example.

The xml file starts with the following header, which should always be the same:

<ns0:RootFileSystem xmlns:ns0=""
     created="2009-05-20T08:50:56" revision="5"
     xsi:schemaLocation=" dbsfed.xsd">

After this header follows the project description.

                        <primary_host></primary_host>    1
                        <url-list>                                      2
                                        <binary> squeeze main</binary>

                <noauth />                                              3
                <suite>squeeze</suite>                                  4
1 The mirror tag contains primary_host, primary_path and primary_proto. It describes the Debian mirror used.
2 The url-list can contain additional package sources.
3 The noauth tag can be used to disable authentication if custom unsigned packages are supposed to be installed.
4 The suite selects the distribution codename used from the primary mirror.

the project tag isn’t closed yet.

The following section describes the virtual machine in which the debian-installer is exectued and custom packages can be build.

                        <arch>armel</arch>                              1
                        <size>20G</size>                                2
                        <mem>256</mem>                                  3
                        <interpreter>qemu-system-arm</interpreter>      4
                        <kinitrd>testrd</kinitrd>                       5
                        <console>ttyAMA0,115200n1</console>             6
                        <machine>versatilepb</machine>                  7
                        <portforwarding>                                8
                        <pkg-list>                                      9
1 arch is the Debian architecture of the target.
2 size is the size of the hard-disk image.
3 mem controls the amount of RAM that is allocated to the virtual machine.
4 The interpreter is either qemu-system-<arch> or qemu-kvm. Usage of kvm is usually only possible, when the target is x86.
5 The name of the kinitrd package. All package sources mentioned in the xml file are scanned for this package. It provides the debian-installer kernel and initrd. This package is not hosted on official Debian mirrors. So it makes sense additional add the <noauth/> tag to the <mirror> section.
6 The console line needs special attention because it is different on different emulation targets.
7 The machine tag contains the -machine parameter, that is provided to qemu.
8 portforwarding of network server ports from the virtual machine to the host. This example forwards the ssh port to port 5022 on the host.
9 This is the list of packages that are only installed to the buildimage. (The packages listed in the target sections pkg-list are installed to the target image and the buildimage.) It can be used for example to install the debian build server into the buildenvironment.

Only change the sizes of hard-disk and RAM if that is necessary.

The undescribed values are correctly configured in the example files. It is very uncertain that you need to change them.

There are example files for arm, powerpc and x86.

                <hostname>myARM</hostname>                      1
                <domain></domain>              2
                <passwd>foo</passwd>                            3
                                <name>nfsroot.tar.gz</name>     4
                <finetuning>                                    5
                <pkg-list>                                      6
1 The hostname
2 and domainname
3 This is the root password of the machine.
4 This describes, that the resulting rootfilesystem, shall be generated as nfsroot.tar.gz
5 finetuning section can be empty. If you need finetuning it can be defined here. The format of this tag is explained above.
6 The package list resides here.

Building ubi images

Elbe also has the ability to generate ubi images, including different partitions and mountpoints. Lets look at an example target section.


                        <name>linux.img</name>                  1
                                <miniosize>2048</miniosize>     2
                                <ubi>                           3

        <fstab>                                                 4
                <bylabel>                                       5
                                <mkfs>-x lzo</mkfs>
                                <mkfs>-x lzo</mkfs>
                <bydev>                                         6

1 This specifies an mtd image with 60MB size whose filename is linux.img
2 Parameters for the ubi tools, describing the NAND geometry.
3 Specification of ubi volumes.
4 specifies the fstab, so that everything can be copied to the right image.
5 Normal partition entries are by label.
6 The target /etc/fstab file is created with the entries defined in this section. Entries for /proc, /sys etc. can be generated with bydev nodes.

A complete reference that is automatically generated from the schema file is also available.