************************ elbe-sign ************************ NAME ==== elbe-sign - Add a signature to the given file SYNOPSIS ======== :: elbe sign DESCRIPTION =========== Sign the given file with the GPG key having the specified fingerprint. The resulting file will contain both the compressed data and the signature (the same format *gpg --sign* uses if no other arguments are specified), and it will get a *.gpg* extension. The person receiving the file can use *gpg --decrypt* or ``elbe-remove_sign(1)`` to verify the file and to get the original content. OPTIONS ======= The name of the file to sign. The fingerprint of the private GPG key to use for signing the file. EXAMPLES ======== - sign *rfs.tar.bz2* with the key having the fingerprint *FEE1DEAD* :: elbe sign rfs.tar.bz2 FEE1DEAD ELBE ==== Part of the ``elbe(1)`` suite