.. title:: Overview .. elbe-container-with-titles:: elbe-website-index-lead ######################################################## **E**\ mbedded **L**\ inux **B**\ uild **E**\ nvironment ######################################################## * :doc:`Why ELBE was born ` * :doc:`ELBE principles ` * :doc:`Start Using ELBE ` * :doc:`ELBEs usage of QEMU ` .. elbe-container-with-titles:: elbe-website-index-tiles :section_level_adjust: 1 Secure ------ ELBE reuses the security of Debian. An update-checker informs if security updates are available. Reproducible Images ------------------- The Rootfilesystem is described in a single XML file. Based on Debian --------------- No need to build all binaries. ELBE reuses Debian packages! ELBE ADK -------- A native Application Development Kit is included .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 whatiselbe internals download docs support devel imprint .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 news/index